Antarctica…A Story Waiting to be Told

Antarctica. The final continent. A mass of uninhabitable ice to some, but to the curious, to the adventurous, Antarctica is so much more.

As a story teller from a young age, exploring the world has always appealed to me. The idea of heading places where few have gone and where many won’t go called to me. As soon as I was able, I packed my bags and headed off to New Zealand not returning until my camera was full and my blog spilling over with tales of trekking an active volcano, still smoking from its eruption two months prior, and jumping from an airplane at 16,000 feet over the turquoise waters of Bay of Islands. I just couldn’t get enough. Read more

The Traveller’s Soul


When I logged onto Facebook this morning I was greeted with the suggestion of sharing a memory from four years ago. I instantly filled with joy as I looked at the photo and fondly reminisced about first arriving in New Zealand and travelling alone in my bought car, Lil Red. As I was about to share the photo for all my friends to see I began to rethink it. This simple photo that brought back such an array of emotions and memories for me would be nothing more than a pretty picture to anyone else. Read more

Eighteen Months and No End In Sight

It’s time to reminisce.

It has been exaclty a year and a half now since I began the adventure of a lifetime.  The memory of my departure from Canada still sits so vividly in my mind.

I had held myself together pretty well as I packed my bags to head off on my adventure. Not long out of high school and only six weeks past my eighteenth birthday, I was ready to tackle the big wide world. I worked hard to save up for these travels, spending my final year of high school working two jobs, not much time off. Not much partying like the rest of the kids. But I don’t regret that. Read more